Testimonials on Life Transforming

Jack Canfield says "Work with the source directly...the Silva Method"
Jack Canfield says "Work with the source directly...the Silva Method"

"I've been involved for 39 years in the human potential movement. I've Taken hundreds and hundreds of groups, studied every approach and methodology that I've ever found and I want to tell you that the Silva Method is one of the most profound approaches to the human potential movement that I've ever discovered.

Literally Jose Silva and the work that he did, and the instructors have done over the years has influenced every major approach from EST to Landmark to Lifespring to Insight to the work I do etc.

And so its really critical, if you want to take and go right to the source where much of this works comes from, why work with the people that have evolved from it? Why not work with the source directly and that would be to work wit the Silva Method. And so I want to strongly encourage you to get involved with the Silva Method. And take your life to the next level in terms of health, wealth and happiness. You owe it to yourself to do that."

~ Jack Canfield, Best-Selling author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series of Books, Featured Teacher in "The Secret" and author of the Success Principles from Napa, California

"The whole experience has brought me incredible insights. The Instructors have been wonderful and tuned in to our collective and individual needs. I had a feeling that this would be intense in a positive way - and it far exceeded my expectations. The experience has been awesome and is the beginning of something wonderful!"

~ Alexandra Sola from NJ, July, 2007

"Dr. Fullam's energy and enthusiasm are contagious!"

~ Marty Horowitz from NJ, July, 2007

"Helped me understand more thoroughly how such exercise/method works and how to use them to benefit myself and others - Helped me open the door that was blocking access to my true capabilities."

~ Rosemarie Monaco from NJ, July 2007

"Every time I attend a Silva Seminar, I always pick-up something useful/helpful in the application of the techniques to my daily life. Dr. Aretoula Fullam and Bill Fullam's seminar is outstanding. I truly enjoyed this weekend seminar. They are truly two of the few best Instructors of the Silva Method."

~ Daniel Nuez from NJ, July 2007

"The combination of Aretoula's psychology background and Bill's physics background lend an unusual credibility to a subject that many might dismiss as a scam. Even as a prior graduate this was important to me."

~ Tom Kriz from Pennsylvania, July, 2007

"I am so thrilled that I was able to complete, finally, the Silva Course, and that it was you who led it - such enthusiasm for and knowledge of the subject, and the desire to share those things with others was so evident. It added so very much to what I had remembered from before, and is helping me greatly in coping with present challenges.

Thank you again for reminding me that Every Day in Every Way I'm getting, Better, Better and Better."

~ J.F from River Vale, NJ

"Taking the Ultra Silva course did something magical. What I learned in the BLS course were invaluable tools, the Ultra made those tools and more click in place. My daily practice had more verve and meaning. I received a deeper understanding of the science behind Silva's brilliant contribution to us all. Dr. Fullam and her husband Bill are delightful and incredibly insightful people. I am thrilled to be one of their students and would encourage anyone to learn from them, should they have the opportunity."

~ Tiffany Barsotti from New Jersey Nov. 12, 2006

""A Positive self-image (taught by Silva) is very important for spiritual growth.""

~ Father Norris Clarke, Philosophy Professor, Fordham University, and past president of the Metaphysical Society of America

Best-Selling Author Richard Bach on the Silva Method
Best-Selling Author Richard Bach on the Silva Method

"Creative visualization is really what's behind the Silva Method; that is, whatever you can visualize, you can actualize."

~ Richard Bach, Silva Method advocate and author of one of the hottest books in years, Jonathan Livingston Seagull

"Dr. Fullam is a brilliant instructor with a passion for the Silva Method Training Seminars. She artfully conveyed and solidified the Silva self-mind control. If you want a life-changing experience – look no farther."

~ Anthony Sarno, Senior Account Manager, EXTOL International, Inc. from New Jersey, October 2007

"I finally reached the levels of Consciousness and Concentration I’d always known I could achieve but never had. I also know that this is only the beginning"

~ JA from New York, October 2007

"Thank You for a wonderful 2 day seminar last weekend ! As a previous graduate, I can say that it was every bit as magical and inspiring as the first time I took it, in 1979. You were like an angel up there guiding us through all the exercises, and your voice was still echoing in my mind a day later, in a pleasant way."

~ Larry Gulmi from New Jersey, October 2007

"I am a repeat Silva Method student. Dr. Fullam's presentation, her caring, her counseling, and her insights into the benefits of the Silva Method were enlightening and heartwarming. Dr. Fullam offered so much in the seminar. And I derived so much more. Thank you Dr. Fullam for being the only one willing to go the extra mile. You are a very special spirit. And I would wish all of humanity could benefit from you and your enthusiastic style. I highly recommend to anyone that they take this special seminar with this special lady"

~ Robert Wall from October 2007, New Jersey

"Thank you so much for your loving energy and greatness. Thank you for sharing this amazing seminar with us. Your commitment to Humanity is Huge. The UltraMind ESP seminar came to me at the time when I needed it the most. I have learned so much about myself, my greatness, spiritual, intuitive part that I was ignoring. You have no idea the difference you made in my life. Thank you."

~ Carmen Moreno from Bethlehem, PA

"I consider myself extremely fortunate to have experienced Dr. Fullam's dynamic presentation of the life-altering Silva Method Seminar, as well as the profoundly inspiring insights she shared throughout. An unforgettable weekend -- one that has dramatically transformed my own perception of my past, present, and potential for the future."

~ Victoria M. Sola from New Jersey

"Things are going awesome. Your seminar was incredible, ..... especially the way you both put everything together. Your energy and enthusiasm is quite contagious; words, knowledge and love seem to just slip out of your mouth perfectly, going directly to each and every person in your class in just the perfect way!"

~ Megan Gouldner from New York

"Dear Dr. Fullam and Bill,
Once again, many thanks for such great time in your classes and for bringing a lot of nice people together. It is said that one of the ways to find happiness (health, success, prosperity, etc.), is to find a person who is happy (healthy, successful, rich, etc.) and ask for his/her own experience. I think – the best way to achieve the endless possibilities of what the Silva Method offers, is to learn it from people who convert those possibilities to realities. You are this kind of people. Your achievements are the example of the success of the Silva Method, and your own life experience is your best credibility. Your knowledge, attitude and energy make you exceptional teachers. I am sure, Jose Silva would be very proud of you and your job."

~ Elena from New York

"Know Thyself” is something that most if not all wise men over the years have said.

You can read the Bible, the Talmud, the Hindu Vedas and all the discourses of the Buddha, in order to achieve this.

Or you can spend two days with Dr. Aretoula Fullam and Bill Fullam and know who you are and what you are capable of.

You WILL know that you live within a field of Infinite Possibilities and that you can choose your own possibilities and thereby live a life of choice instead of circumstances."

~ Himanshu Raval from New Jersey

"I attended the UltraMind ESP seminar for a second time with Dr. Aretoula and Bill Fullam, in NJ. Your course was much more informative on the background and the practical application of all the techniques."

~ Mark A. Keyes from PA

"I have reviewed the Basic Series course three times with different instructors. This particular seminar has helped me most in focusing better on projects, goals and working at the alpha level. I found most useful the 3-scenes mental technique for problem solving, the depth I reached in the alpha level, and the in depth comments, explanations and experiences shared by Dr. Aretoula Fullam."

~ Cielo Estrada from New Jersey

"I am amazed with the ease and depth of relaxation I learned in only two days. My visualization ability has improved tremendously after doing the Mental Video Technique, which is the best technique to use. I am so much happier now after completing the Silva UltraMind ESP Course."

~ Rajneesh Kumar from Charlotte – North Carolina

"It was an eye opening experience. I learned so much about myself and my capabilities."

~ Debra Walker from Glen Rock - New Jersey

"This seminar (UltraMind ESP), delivered more than I expected and will definitely influence my life in the future. I am able to remain at the alpha level longer now and I enjoyed being into and experiencing the different kingdoms and levels of consciousness."

~ Sunjiv Desai from New Jersey

"Dr. Fullam and Bill Fullam have taught us a very special mind-training course in subjective education, subjective communication and remote viewing or ESP! I did not believe any of these when I registered for the course! I know now, that is possible! I did it! All the participants did it! I know that anyone who is seating through Dr. Fullam’s mind-training course will graduate with a tremendous and immeasurable depth of insight, enthusiasm, and prophetic, if you will, abilities that are innate in every human being. This course is indeed, the beginning of the second phase of human evolution, the era of the mind and conscious creation! This seminar is based on solid scientific foundation and it makes so easy and clear the understanding of how the brain works! I am amazed! …Mostly, I am grateful that I learned how to think, how to stay totally focused, how to project my mind and pick-up information non-accessible to my physical senses, how to tap into my creative side, and how to live a life of my design!"

~ Angelina J. McChalla from Connecticut

"Dynamic Meditation and ESP demonstrate unshakable evidence of the power and capabilities of the human mind in an easy to learn method. It brings together physics and metaphysics, psychology and parapsychology, science and religion in such an eye opening experience that is beyond real magic. I freed myself from negative self-sabotaging limiting beliefs and I emerged a new person, able to use my mind in ways I never thought possible. Thank you Dr. Fullam! Thank you Bill! You inspire all who you touch."

~ James Anton Schreitzsof from New York City

Life changing

"My goal was to find a way to work with the subconscious mind in order to relieve stress, learn how to heal and manifest my dreams. I couldn't be more satisfied than with the Silva method ( it is truly life changing). I am an NLP/Hypnotherapy Practitioner and know when techniques work and when they don't, Silva is life changing and I would like to take it one step further and to learn how to become a Trainer in order to help people out there like myself and others to benefit in the same way I have. I look forward to receiving more information in this regard. Laura is truly inspirational. With much gratitude."

~ Jillian Haslam - London from London

Great results

"When I ordered the Silva Life Program, I was seeking more prosperity and better health in my life, as well as more love. I had purchased many programs prior to purchasing the Silva Life program and had very minimal success. Minimal enough that I regarded it as chance or the law of average. I decide to do a more rigid test with the Silva life program to assure myself that it was the program and not mere chance that created the outcome I was seeking.

I own a small business that has been impacted by the economy to the point that I have considered closing down. I began using the program several weeks ago and discovered a series of situations were presenting themselves to me not only to reignite my business but to expand it many fold in ways that had not been available before. I was getting support from people I had met during the course of using this program and also from people I knew for sometime that had never shown any interest in my business before this.

Being a skeptic however I was still not totally convinced that it was the program and not chance, until people I had not seen in months and in some cases years began to resurface and contact me. I have been reunited with a childhood sweetheart that I haven't seen in many years and an uncle that I haven't seen in over twenty years.

To date, my ability to program for, and manifest the life that I desire appears to be unfolding exactly as Laura Silva promised. I anticipate greater results as I continue to use this program and for anyone who is not living the life they desire I highly recommend trying this program

I have tried many programs before coming to the Silva programs. Many of these programs I found were hard to follow because they were infused with a lot of unnecessary information, hard to follow, or presented in a way that the average person could not relate to. The Silva programs are easy to follow and produce results in a very short time. The key, as explained by Laura Silva, Burt Goldman and others involved in the Silva program is a belief system that you will get the results you desire and actually using the programs as prescribed."

~ Mitch - Maryland, US from Maryland

"Dr. Aretoula Fullam and Bill Fullam, are warm, enthusiastic and patient!"

~ Sue Noel from NJ, July 2007

"The Instructors' passion in presenting the course is contagious. We are grateful you do the original course."

~ JL from NJ, July 2007

"I've developed and I am still developing my skills consistently for 5 years now and I have and I am making nice progress in many areas and find the Silva Method an excellent vehicle for transforming lives. I've bettered my life tremendously and want to help show others the true potential of our minds so they and we can further help themselves/ourselves and help others."

~ Salvatore D'Ottavio.

"Thank you is not enough to say for the Silva Mind Control gift you gave me. I feel I have been in denial, and not allowed myself to accept this valuable tool in life. This course was a great moment of truth for me. I am not the positive person I believed I am. I kept telling myself I am not doing this the right way. I stopped doing this. I am beginning it now, and not deny myself this new quality of life. Thank you. Love and Remembering,"

~ BB from Paramus, NJ

""The Silva Method meditation and relaxation techniques help me being able to relax my body and actually feeling results physically and mentally. It helps me in coping with everyday frustrations. I think I smile more (I always did a lot) but now I feel more sincere, relaxed and positive.""

~ McCB from New Jersey, May 2005

""Jose Silva gave us the key, ... our life has not been the same since. Far richer, far more exciting, and so much easier. ""

~ John and Rita Donohue

""Mind Control Classes CAN Improve Your Mental Power""

~ Bill Starr MIDNIGHT, November 19, 1973

"Silva Mind Control is "a progressive responsible and beneficial enterprise.""

~ Dr. Walter Clark

Focusing in life

"I have used Silva's centering exercise and It really did something to my focus capacity! I knew that meditation was all about clearing my mind and the sooth voice with directions did an amazing job.
I Totally recommend it for everyone since it just gives you a better sense of yourself!
Do enjoy it."

~ Alan

"Thank you very much for teaching us the Silva Mind Control Method. I need to write to you about all the good things happening to me applying the Silva Mind Control Method. Simply stated, it has changed my life in the most positive way!"

~ BB from Paramus, NJ

"All the techniques are really amazing! They seem so useful and very much in our reach; they are very practical in life and make me feel like this is very easy and that it is going to bring to me positive results. The UltraMind ESP training did boost my way of thinking. It helped me eliminate the majority of negativity in me. It helped me change my attitude towards myself. Now, I have a clear insight about myself and my abilities. I do feel valued and important. Thank you Dr. Silva. Thank you Dr. Fullam. This seminar, and especially Dr. Aretoula Fullam, have started the process towards success and a happy life. Dr. Fullam has showed me the way. Now it is up to me to walk this way and I know, at the back of my mind and deep down in my heart, that she is always going to be there for me to help me out when I need help, just like “An Angel.” To guide me during times of darkness!

Thank you very much Dr. Fullam for the wonderful seminar and your professional presentation! You are simply amazing."

~ Darshna Khatri from New Jersey

Better perspective

"There are very clear and profound reasons why everybody just have to use the Silva method:
-calms you when you are stressed with everyday's demands
-energize your whole body and mind
-focuses you on things there are important
-guides you how to see things from new, better perspective
-allows you to enjoy the life
-puts you in center of cosmic welfare

All that and more, I got from using Silva method every day."

~ Kristiyan

""Grades improved by 17% from one term to another.""

~ University of Tasmania, Australia, 1988

"Dear Aretoula and Bill,

Thanks a lot for the unforgettable experience. Your classes have such success because of your:








Sense of humor

And, of course, your own life experiences that you have shared with us.

Once again, your classes are the best gift that I've given myself for my entire life. I am going to sign up my son for the next available seminars for kids. For those, who are skeptical about the spiritual side of life, I would recommend these classes anyway, because of the STRESS RELIEVING and SLEEP CONTROL techniques.

These techniques take a minimal amount of time and they work! They reduce the stress immediately and help to eliminate it, and let you have a healthy sleep without any medication!

Just try it. You have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Think about it -- what is spending two days at class compared to years of suffering and tension? …. And watch you skepticism vanishing as the seminar proceeds.


~ Elena Yakimenko from New York, 2007