Testimonials on Helping Children Learn

Everybody should learn this

"This course should be taught in every school in the world, no, to everyone in the world!"

~ Peter K from Milford, PA

Testimonial from a Father

"Here is what Anton [my son] told me at the end of the day on Sunday: "Thank you so much for bringing me here. This is probably the most important thing I have ever or will ever learn" Now that is a bold statement from 14 years old!!!! Using the alpha level thing last night, I feel like I completely ACED the test, seriously, I feel a 100%! I knew how to solve it all!!! Wow this is really cool.""

~ Dmitry C from NY

Mind Altering and Magical

"Allow me the opportunity to thank you again for a most joyous, momentous and excellent weekend. It was truly a worthwhile and memorable experience for me, as I had plenty of FUN, LEARNED really great, surprising and interesting facts, and experienced profound MIND ALTERING and MAGICAL things. Loved your goal setting segment. Thank you. I will be contacting several people that I have in mind within the next couple of days to share with them my thoughts and experience about your UltraMind seminar, and I will be forwarding their contact information to you once I have their approval. In addition, I will give my 15 year old nephew the gift of attending and participating in your next seminar this coming April."

~ Rick Mata from New York

Very Impressed

"I have completed UltraMind ESP System Home Study Course. I was very impressed by this method and I have started practicing some of the methods I learned from this course. I would like my 10 year old Son to learn these methods and practice them in his daily life. I also would like my wife to give it a try."

~ Letter on file

"A Class All Should Attend"

"I would absolutely recommend this to others. I feel this is a tool everyone should use. This is a class all should attend... I feel children should be taught this from an early age, even preschool. Imagine the possibilities. Every parent should pass this on to their children and grandchildren."

~ Vondette from Georgia


"Hello. I am Ori, 13 years old. I lately decided to get into meditation, and I did research. I found you, and after the first audio lesson. Whoa.
Yet again, whoa. It was the greatest thing ever! I feel so much better, and already my migraine headaches that occur once a week will disappear, more quickly each time. Who needs aspirin when you have meditation, and but I wouldn't have discovered it without Silva Ultra Mind, and I thank you. I have a good feeling that my grades in school will be better this year, and again thank you."

~ Ori from Montana