Testimonials on Inner Peace

Brought Inner Peace

"I listened to the audio two times since receiving it. I did not think it made much difference at first until I ran into a situation where I would be normally very upset. Much to my surprize I handled it with more calm than I can remember! Can't wait to try the next audio. I followed the program through to its completion and practice as much as I can. I am hoping to further my training when time and money permit. Thank you for such a useful tool. I have an inner peace? confidence? ( not sure which word is more fitting?) than ever before."

~ Daniel P. from Newfoundland, Canada

My life is peaceful and on purpose again thanks to the Silva Life System

"I was fortunate enought to be able to take the Silva 4 day course aprox. 16 years ago here in the city. I used it twice daily for many, many years.
I love this course and now own it all on CD's so that I will never be without it again. My life is peaceful and on purpose again thanks to the Silva Life System.
I loved the course I took 16 years ago! I am also delighted that I can own the course and be able to listen to guided meditations. The best thing that ever came into my life was the course...and now the course on CD's."

~ Paula Kendrick - Calgary, Canada from Calgary, Alberta, Canada