Testimonials on Energy

"Yes, I would recommend it to anyone and everyone."
"Yes, I would recommend it to anyone and everyone."

"I have been utilizing the Silva System for about 2 weeks and have found it to be an effective method of concentrating my personal energy and focusing it on the the goals I want to accomplish. I have greater concentration, more focus and more positive energy than I had prior to the program. I have also noticed that there are more coincidences in my life with positive outcomes, I seem to be functioning in a harmonic flow rather than constantly running against the wind. This product has my complete endorsement, it is relatively inexpensive, can be accomplished by anyone in their spare time, yields immediate results.

Yes, I would recommend it to anyone and everyone."

~ Dr. Edward F. Knab from Palm Springs, CA

I apply Silva techniques everyday for a better life
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~ John - New York, US

Meditation breaktrhough!

"I've been meditating for sometime, do healing on other people especially on my family and attended different seminars on improving oneself and the power of the mind.

Through the years of practice, may be, I was not able to grasp the power of the ALPHA level, that is the reason why I keep on backsliding, and returning back to step 1.

I am using now the centering and the alpha level meditation for the past two weeks, and the energy level that I have after the meditation is so much. No headache, no feeling of exhaustion and I feel I am always grounded.

The 3 to 1 method is also a powerful tool to bring down my anxiety level especially when everything seems so tough.
Now, I honestly believe that I can do more for myself, to other people and to the world as I continue my practice.

Yes. because on its positive effect on me
so simple, yet so powerful"

~ Dominador Mendoza, Jr. - Saudi Arabia from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

"Helps Energize and Add Focus to My Life"
"Helps Energize and Add Focus to My Life"

"I wanted to renew my life and move forward again after years of neglecting my mental powers and recently suffering the loss of my loving wife. I wanted to recapture and go beyond the experiences I had in 1962 or '61 when I first took the Silva Mind Course. To find new focus, joy and expanded experience.

Did I get this? Absolutely. Because of the insights, relaxation and new found hope I've experienced. I use a lot of [the techniques] on a daily basis. They help energize and [add] focus to my life."

~ Art F from Pennsylvania, USA

Improved Health, Energy and Conquered Worry

"I found the tapes informative and helpful. I used the short relax tape the most. I have noticed in a very short period of time improvement in my health and my energy level increased. I also experienced more joy in my life, more self control, and the feeling of being self empowered was great! I always have struggled with the lack of self empowerment. This made the negative influences from others ineffective for the most part. When I began to feel drained, I would go back into my exercises. It conquered fear and worry for me."

~ Debbie G, Vallejo from CA

"Thanks for this Great Course"
"Thanks for this Great Course"

"I think it's fantastic, it's really powerfull, very relaxing and energizing. I can't wait to listen to all of the lessons. I was amazed to feel so great when I listened to the audio , my energy went so high. I feel so complete, with a lot of hope. Thanks for this great course."

~ Ines Restrepo from Toronto, Canada

"Excellent Course"
"Excellent Course"

"I enjoyed your free introductory course. Being a senior I need the extra strength to cope with sick husband. There were times that I felt my whole world was collapsing and your centering exercise help me deal with my problem. Thank you for your excellent course. As soon as my personal situation settles down, plan to enroll in your advanced course."

~ Gwen M. Blanchette from British Columbia

I was a struggling single mom. But thanks to Silva I have my own business and travel

"I struggled for years as a single Mom. I'd been in some tough situations and managed to get through it, but just barely. By the time my kids were adults, I was exhausted, completely worn out, and needed to do something to boost my energy levels. I'd heard about the Silva Method for years but never had enough money to purchase it. I finally had a little extra and now here I am today. I own my own business, I have an active social life. I travel and wake up full of energy every day. I meditate daily and use the techniques regularly when I need to manifest something in my life. I feel like I can do anything.

I would definitely recommend the Silva Life System and have. Over and over. I feel like I can do anything."

~ C. G. from Calgary, Canada

It brings good energy to me!!!
It brings good energy to me!!!

"I love the program! I'm also doing the holo-viewing sync meditation program.
I've been on that for almost two years now. I'm probably not going to do the video, but the Silva Intuition program is amazing.
My experience has been wonderful. When she guides me through and takes me so deep into relaxation I come out of it totally energized and my head is crystal clear. God, I love it. It brings good energy to me that lasts a long time. I also liked the exercise finding my life purpose. That was totally amazing for me.
Thank you so much..."

~ Jenny Cook - California, US

Silva Method helped me to be up during my 21h watch

"I have been a Silva Method graduate since 11/24/1974, #146089. Glen Robinson was the instructor. The class was in Honolulu, HI.
I was a troubled young sailor. The Method helped me during a cruise where I was working 7 hours on and 7 hours off. I would work a watch, stay up during the off watch and do the next watch, then shower and sleep (while I went to my level) during the next off watch. I was never tired during the 21 hours I was up.
The other fellow would try to sleep during every off watch period and he was always tired.
Over the years I have used the Method, but not as much as I should.
I have a daughter who is now 17 and a senior in high school. I bought this mainly for her to help with her future."

~ Gregory E Thomas, Pensylvania - US

Invigorated and Inspired

"Thanks for a great seminar! I feel invigorated and inspired! For me some of the things were completely jaw dropping and truly amazing."

~ Maria

"An incredibly empowering experience."

~ Rev. PD

Motivated Again

"I had been lethargic for many months. Now after UltraMind I feel inspired and energetic and motivated again. Thank you."

~ CK


"I drove in from Arizona [to Los Angeles]. Thanks Burt, thanks Marianne. Wow."

~ BR